Friday, 26 February 2016

Merit Evidence 2016 #2

Being a role model to the Kakano students

I was being a role model to the Kakano students by showing the CARE values at assembly.

When I entered the hall I did it quietly and respectfully.

Community: Keeping my hands and feet to myself.

Active thinking: Putting my hands up when a question was asked.

Respect: Looking and listening to the person speaking.

Excellence: I sung with pride when we sung the National anthem.

When assembly was finished I excited the hall quietly and respectfully.

The CARE value I showed was Respect because I listened respectfully.

Merit Evidence 2016 #1

Swimming Sports

On Friday the Kauri team had Swimming Sports at Jelly Park.  The Kakano team also went to Jelly park but they were outside and had time to play in the outdoor pool.

When we arrived the house captains were allowed to sit in a line of seats in front of the pool.  I then got changed into my togs and headed back to where I was sitting.  After I waited for a we while the width races started, and everyone was seated.

I then walked to help the width races and when I was walking Mr Ladbrook called me because One little girl was scared so I jumped in and gave her a piggy back so she could finish the race.  After that we cheered for all the width races in till the were finished.

After the width races it was time for games run by the house captains and house points were up for grabs.  The games were SPLASH and MADNESS, MADNESS was first and the house captains running that was Monique and Samara (Rimu's house captains) Jack M and Alicia (Kowhai house captains) and the other house captains helped them throw in the tennis balls, Frisbees and kick boards.

After MADNESS we played SPLASH and Xanthe and I were speaking.  The aim of the game lie on your tummies and make the biggest Splash you can.

After that we joined the Kakano team for lunch.

After lunch it was time for the length races and I happened to come 2nd in Freestyle and Backstroke.

Then we went back to school.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Leadership Traits 2016

Leadership Traits 2016

WALT- How to become a leader. 

My task was to explain the traits of an effective leader.

Here are some examples of what we have been doing over the last few days,

I was learning about The Real Richie McCaw ( The story )

The leadership Traits we used were:

He was honest that he was going to come.
He could’ve lied to the teacher.
He had to be trustworthy to the teacher because he didn’t want the teacher to tell the kids that he was there.
He wanted it to be a surprise.
He had to be in a small cubicle like a tiny little changing room, it’s 2 metres high and half a metre wide.
It would’ve been quite tight for a rugby player to fit inside.
Active Thinker
He was an Active thinker by when they made a statue of him he came instead to give the kids a surprise.
He wanted to make kids happy.
Goal Focused
He was trying to teach the kids touch
He wanted people to enjoy what he loved.
He was being motivational by motivating the kids to tackle him.
By encouraging the kids to try.

My SOLO level: I think I reached Multistrucual  because we had a lot of information in it, and I think I explained it clearly.

My Next Step: To try and give more information about the text.