Saturday, 24 October 2015



After Te Reo I took my shoes off and put them near my pencil case and book, got a poi and got into line all ready to go.

Mr Brown said to us that we are going to start with Tahururu, after we finished Tahururu we sat down and Mr Brown talked to us about who we are going to be performing to this term " we are going to be performing to senior citizens, preschoolers, end of year assembly and we are going to be opening the new Halswell library and outlet"
Everyone dropped there jaw because they were really excited.
Then Mr Brown said "since we are doing that we need to start getting our lines sorted, practice what orders the songs are going to be in".
So we did just that.

We started off with our school song Taitapu and Mr Brown wanted us to have volume to start our performance off, then we did Tahururu and then we started again because we weren't loud enough. 
We did Taitapu again, Tahururu, Pai mai and Whakataka Te Hau and Mr Brown said that was better.

It was time for us to go so we all went put our shoes on, grabbed our belongings and I went to peer mediation.



At choir I turned up on time ready to go.  Next minute Mr McCallum said to us " everyone please sit down and be quiet ".   We all did the following and then Miss Harris said to us that we need to listen because it is our last week practicing for the music festival, last time for using our books so we need to listen so we can get through a lot today.

First we started to practice Adiemus for a few times but straight after that Miss Harris asked us "which song do you need to practice the most" hands went up.
"Skyla" said Miss Harris
" Slice of heaven" Skyla said
" Sure we can sing that" said Miss Harris happily
We went through it once, Miss Harris said that we did well so we didn't practice again.

We then practiced Poi e, the long white sails and then the ring of fire we all at least did all of them twice  or more.  Before the ring of fire we quickly did the roll .

After we finished the ring of fire it was time to go so the years 5&6 went first because they had Te Reo then the years 4,7&8 left because the didn't need to go anywhere and 9.30 except class.


Peer mediation 

After Kapahaka I went to go get my hat, morning tea, a highvis jacket, a necklace and an iPad.  Then Monique and I started to walk around the school.

We started to head to rooms 5&6 to see if there were any problems.  After that we went to the field we started to head towards the senior playground. Once we were the senior playground we walked the monkey bars because there were a few people there who didn't look happy but it turned out okay because they said it was just a game they were playing.   Then we headed towards the junior area.

Once we were at the junior area we looked around and went to the sandpit, then we went to the deck and everyone was playing nicely, then we went towards rooms 18&19 and there were some kids playing without there hats on so we gave them a friendly reminder to keep there hats on while they are playing and they did that.

Ring ring, ring ring the bell went, everyone went straight back to class.  Monique and I went to room 25 to put all the things we had back to there rightful places.  It was also great to see everyone playing nicely with each other.


Helping around the school

Ring ring, ring ring the school bell goes and everyone rushed to class but for the pals it was a different story.  They were packing up their game they did it was skipping so that takes along time so I decided to help them.

First I got all the orange skipping ropes together, some were all over the place and some were on the music room hand rail.  Then I went past the music room and into the book room so I could put the skipping rope onto the hook and which is it's rightful place.  Then I went back to see if there were more, and there were.

There was quite a few left so I gathered the white skipping ropes and did the same thing as I did with the orange ropes but on the way on the deck hand rail (by the music room) there were two white skipping ropes tangled in a knot so I tried to untangle them and I did but it was quite hard, then I carried on and made my way to the book room and put them on there hook.

When I came back all the skipping ropes had been put away and one person who was a pal said thank you for helping us, then we went straight back to class.