Sunday, 30 August 2015



At choir we were practicing for the music festival as this event is coming up soon.  We started practicing a song from the music festival book.

The song was - The long white sails, this song is about people leaving on a boat and they are traveling to the other side of the world and their family and friends are saying good bye since they are staying there.  Miss Harris ( our music teacher ) gave us tips on how to sing that song since the song is really high with some long notes.  Our second song was called May there always be sunshine, we practiced that song for a while and Miss Harris gave us another example on how to do different things.  When we finished doing that we had just enough time to quickly do the roll after we did the roll, after 2 or 3 minutes the years 5 and 6's went back to class then the years 4,7 and 8's went back to class ready for our next lesson.



At Kapahaka we went straight to practicing there was NO mucking around.  We first started to practice  our school song and the actions the first time we went through our school song and actions, I think we went well but some people kept looking around for actions because they didn't know them well enough.  We went through the same song again because Matua wanted us to have fun while doing the actions because you can have fun with the actions we are doing.

After we finished practicing our school song we started to practice poi.  We ran through the song once to see how we were going, I thought as a group we did alright the Year 7/8's has got the poi actions it is just the Years 4,5 and some of the Year 6's.  I think I did well, I know all the actions with the poi and I haven't mucked up since I have learnt the actions.  We have also got actions for the full song we are doing poi too.  I like going to Kapahaka each week because we are learning different things each week so it is exciting.

Friday, 28 August 2015


Peer mediation

Today after Kapahaka I went straight to peer mediation.  We started just outside room 24 and made our way to the kauri teams side of the field, we first went near the senior playground to see if there were any problems.  Then we went past the cricket pitch to the Kakano side of the field, after we roamed around the Kakano side of the field for a few minutes there was a little problem.  The problem was with a few boys from the Kakano team were playing with sticks and someone got a little hurt.  We thought of a solution straight away because it was pretty easy to solve this problem our solution was to NOT PLAY WITH STICKS.  That solution was a good one because after we told them the solution they started to play nicely together again.  There was some time left so we went to the courts to see if there were any problems, there was no problems when we went to the cours so that was good.  Then the bell rang and it was time to put our high vis jackets, iPad and necklaces away.  When we had finished doing that I went straight to class so we could do what was on our schedule for after morning tea and also ready to learn.

Sam W's Speech

This is my speech, Is it ever Okay to lie.
The techniques I used was to SLOW DOWN, Body language and eye contact, volume of my voice so you could catch people's attention.
My next step is to:  Work on my body language so I don't move around when I am speaking.

Monday, 24 August 2015


Being a role model to younger students in the Kakano team

Today at the full school assembly I was being a role model to the younger students in the Kakano team.  I was being a role model by walking ino the hall respectfully, and looking at the person talking.  I was also not fiddling with anything or swinging my legs everywhere while someone was talking.  I was also showing respect during the house points update by communicating respectfully, clapping after each place had been announced and I was not booing any house colour.  Another thing I was doing was clapping after someone had got an award or after someone spoke ( when it was necessary to clap after someone spoke )   I also got a pozi from a teacher that thought I showed the CARE values and the care values stand for: C: stands for community, A: stands for active thinking, R: stands for respect and E: stands for excellence.  When the assembly was finished I was being a role model for the younger students in the Kakano team by walking back respectfully so the person next to me could only hear me and no one  else.

Sunday, 23 August 2015



As I am a year 7/8, I have the opportunity to be a librarian.  Every second Monday I go to library to do my duty, I do librarian with Lauren H and Samara. 

When the bell rang to go out for lunch Samara and I went straight to librarian.  We first put returned books back to the shelfs where they belong.  Then we checked that all the books were the right way so we couldn't see the pages.  Then we waited at the desk for people to have some books for us to renew, return, return or request books.  A while after we were finished with doing that, it was time to pack up so  Samara and I went around the library to say to people that it was time to pack up because the library was closing.  We then waited in the library for the bell to ring.  When the bell had rung  Samara and I went to room 24 straight away and ready to learn.

Friday, 14 August 2015



Yesterday at choir, I turned up really early ready to start practicing.  First up we did our usual warm up, then we practiced for the Ring of Fire because we are performing in the ring of fire.  We practiced quite a few songs we went over songs we have already sang, and practiced songs we had not yet done already.  The first song was a song we have already done, but the next song wasn't a song we have already practiced so that meant before we started to practice we heard a version of it so we could get an idea of how it is sounded.  After we had a run through of the songs we practice another song we have not sang before so we heard another version of it.  The next song was a song we have practiced before so we had an idea of how it sounded.  After we ran through several songs it was nearly time for years 5/6 to go to Maori with Matua and for years 7/8 it was time for 'My discovery' so to finish off we ran through half a song and  finished choir for the day.


Kapa Haka

Today at Kapa Haka we firstly practiced our school waiata and the actions to the song.  Then we all practiced as a group tahurihuri ana which is the song we are going to be using poi in.  We all practiced that song and years 4-7 were practicing short poi  and the year 8's were practicing there long poi.  The first time we practiced we only forgot one move in the poi the was fairly new to us.  Then we all learnt that move we forgot and we tried doing the routine again and I kinda got the routine sorted but I was still struggling with the newest move.  Finally I got the hang of it and Matua showed us some more moves but they were easier to get the hang of.  Then for the last time we practiced the full routine and I thought I did really well doing the routine.  When I fully got the hang of it I kept going on and on because after I had got the hang of it was more fun to do it and more interesting.


Peer mediation

Today at peer mediation Reuben, Riley and I started to walk around the field and straight away there was a problem.  It was about soccer and team captains for each team, there was one boy who got selected for a team captain but another boy wanted to be the captain for the team so he pushed the other boy over.  After that the boy who was selected for team captain he pushed the other boy over who pushed him and it went on and on intill one boy saw us wondering around the field and then he came running to us for help.  We asked for them all to listen to the rules, tell us there names and room numbers so we can fill out the peer mediation form.  When we were finished with that part of solving the problem we got everyone's side of the story, when that was finished we came up with a solution that was name everyone with the number one or two and those will be the teams, team one vs team two.  That solution worked and the all played nicely together.  That wasn't all just before the bell rang one boy got pushed by another boy and the boy that got pushed over was crying but the bell rang so we said to Mr Sy what happened and sorted it out.  We put the iPad back and sent an email to there teachers so they know what happened and we also put the peer mediation vests back.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015



Today everyone needed to be at school at 8.30am because it was technology.  We all lined up in either bus 1 or bus 2.  On the bus ride I was respecting the bus driver by sitting quietly and talking to the person next to me so only they could hear me.  When it was time to get of the bus I thanked the bus driver for driving us to Lincoln for technology.  When it was time to go back to school, I was waiting in line quietly as we were waiting to get on the bus.  When we were allowed to get on the bus, I got on the bus quietly.  On the way back to school I was doing the same thing I did on the way to Lincoln that was sitting quietly so only the person next to me could hear me and thanked the bus driver for driving us back to school.  After I got off the bus I was talking to the person next to me so only they could hear me and not anyone else could hear me, but we all got in the hall because it was loud walking back to class.

Monday, 3 August 2015



Today I turned up to librarian as it is my duty every second Monday.   First Samara and I started to return books to the shelfs.  After that there was nothing else to do so we just sat at the desk and renewed, returned and issued books for people.  After that it was about time to close the library so we went round and asked people to start to pack up because the library is closing.   The library was empty so it was time to leave.

Careers board (Sports coach)

This is our career board (sports coach)

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Vocabulary - My Wonder story

W.A.L.T- To use Vocabulary in my writing.
Solo level- I think I am at Relational because I have used lots of vocabulary in my writing.
My Next step - To have a conference with a teacher to set a new goal.
My Wonder story