Friday, 27 November 2015

Wednesday, 4 November 2015



On Tuesday I went to library to see if you the librarians needed some help, they did because one of the members needed to go somewhere so I filled in for them.
Below is what I did.

I started with putting books away in there rightful places as what letters they had on the side of the book, eg say if a book had the letter F I would put that book on the shelf under the letter F.  There was quite a few books so it took us a bit of time, after around 5-10 minutes we went around to see if there were any books facing the wrong way as you could see the pages.  There was about 3 for me and I needed to turn them around.

Then we went to the desk to issue, return, renew and reserve books out or people.  Surprisingly there were a lot of people lining up there was people who wanted to issue books and some who just wanted to return books, that took us basically the rest of the time we had left.  

It was time to ask people to leave because the library was closing, after everyone had left we went around to pick up any books that were on the floor.  I only picked one book up.

Sunday, 1 November 2015



On Friday Samara and I offered to help Kyla with her librarian she said yes.  Before lunch time Kyla got asked to help set up athletics so she did that and we did librarian.

Ring, ring, ring the 12.50 bell went and Samara and I went straight to the library.  Once we got to the library we started to put the books back to the shelves we do that by seeing what letter is on the side of the cover and we put it on the shelve the says that letter.

Rakai turned up and started help us as it was his turn to do librarian. Then Mrs Ward said to Samara and I that we could go out and play because Rakai can do it by himself.  When then said thanks and we went to go and get our hats and started to get involved.

Saturday, 24 October 2015



After Te Reo I took my shoes off and put them near my pencil case and book, got a poi and got into line all ready to go.

Mr Brown said to us that we are going to start with Tahururu, after we finished Tahururu we sat down and Mr Brown talked to us about who we are going to be performing to this term " we are going to be performing to senior citizens, preschoolers, end of year assembly and we are going to be opening the new Halswell library and outlet"
Everyone dropped there jaw because they were really excited.
Then Mr Brown said "since we are doing that we need to start getting our lines sorted, practice what orders the songs are going to be in".
So we did just that.

We started off with our school song Taitapu and Mr Brown wanted us to have volume to start our performance off, then we did Tahururu and then we started again because we weren't loud enough. 
We did Taitapu again, Tahururu, Pai mai and Whakataka Te Hau and Mr Brown said that was better.

It was time for us to go so we all went put our shoes on, grabbed our belongings and I went to peer mediation.



At choir I turned up on time ready to go.  Next minute Mr McCallum said to us " everyone please sit down and be quiet ".   We all did the following and then Miss Harris said to us that we need to listen because it is our last week practicing for the music festival, last time for using our books so we need to listen so we can get through a lot today.

First we started to practice Adiemus for a few times but straight after that Miss Harris asked us "which song do you need to practice the most" hands went up.
"Skyla" said Miss Harris
" Slice of heaven" Skyla said
" Sure we can sing that" said Miss Harris happily
We went through it once, Miss Harris said that we did well so we didn't practice again.

We then practiced Poi e, the long white sails and then the ring of fire we all at least did all of them twice  or more.  Before the ring of fire we quickly did the roll .

After we finished the ring of fire it was time to go so the years 5&6 went first because they had Te Reo then the years 4,7&8 left because the didn't need to go anywhere and 9.30 except class.


Peer mediation 

After Kapahaka I went to go get my hat, morning tea, a highvis jacket, a necklace and an iPad.  Then Monique and I started to walk around the school.

We started to head to rooms 5&6 to see if there were any problems.  After that we went to the field we started to head towards the senior playground. Once we were the senior playground we walked the monkey bars because there were a few people there who didn't look happy but it turned out okay because they said it was just a game they were playing.   Then we headed towards the junior area.

Once we were at the junior area we looked around and went to the sandpit, then we went to the deck and everyone was playing nicely, then we went towards rooms 18&19 and there were some kids playing without there hats on so we gave them a friendly reminder to keep there hats on while they are playing and they did that.

Ring ring, ring ring the bell went, everyone went straight back to class.  Monique and I went to room 25 to put all the things we had back to there rightful places.  It was also great to see everyone playing nicely with each other.


Helping around the school

Ring ring, ring ring the school bell goes and everyone rushed to class but for the pals it was a different story.  They were packing up their game they did it was skipping so that takes along time so I decided to help them.

First I got all the orange skipping ropes together, some were all over the place and some were on the music room hand rail.  Then I went past the music room and into the book room so I could put the skipping rope onto the hook and which is it's rightful place.  Then I went back to see if there were more, and there were.

There was quite a few left so I gathered the white skipping ropes and did the same thing as I did with the orange ropes but on the way on the deck hand rail (by the music room) there were two white skipping ropes tangled in a knot so I tried to untangle them and I did but it was quite hard, then I carried on and made my way to the book room and put them on there hook.

When I came back all the skipping ropes had been put away and one person who was a pal said thank you for helping us, then we went straight back to class.

Sunday, 27 September 2015



After Te reo it was time for Kapahaka so I grabbed a poi out of the box and we started to practice poi while we were waiting for everyone to be there.  Then there was a kemp do called and we all got ready to start.

We then got told that we were going to be performing to some classes, we then practiced through each song we were going to perform.  This is the order we did them in Our school song, Tahururu and Pai mai which was a surprise and we had only practiced it once for term 3 and that time was just before we were going to perform.  Two girls then got sent to go to some classes to let them know when we were going to perform.  Then at the right time the classes came in the hall to watch us perform.  When everyone was settled Mr Brown started to tell them what songs we were going to sing also that Pai mai was a surprise.  I thought all the performances were good accept I mucked up a few times with my poi but I just kept going.  After the performances there were comments about what the audience liked but the bell rang so there wasn't any time to do anything else.

After the audience left Mr Brown talked to us about the performances and he thought it was good and then we could go back to class to get our morning tea.



Ten minutes after I arrived at school it was time to go to choir so I picked my book up and went to choir with Monique, when we arrived we sat down and we waited for a little bit because we were a little early.  "Can everyone please sit down, choir is starting"  Mr McCallum said to everyone especially those who were standing up.

We firstly did a quick warm up to warm up our voices.  Then Miss Harris showed us a cool thing to help our vocals that thing was get a straw put it in your mouth and try to sing.  Then Miss Harris said to us that if we at least get through half the songs for the music festival we can practice Adiemus, so we went straight into it.  We firstly started to practice the ring of fire, we went through it once and Miss Harris asked us if we were confident about singing one particular part she also asked us to hold up how many fingers to show how confident we thought we were.  Then we moved onto may there always be sunshine we went through that once and we we didn't need to go through it again the same thing happened with the rest of the songs.  Then we quickly did the roll.  Then we had time for one run through of Adiemus.

We ran through it and we practiced solo bits for anyone who had one then it was time to go back to class.  It was time to go so we went straight back to class so we didn't miss any learning time.



Ring Ring the school bell went 
That was the 12:50 bell which meant it was time to go outside for lunch so straight away Samara and I went to the library for our duty as a librarian.

First Mrs Ward said that we could put the returned books back where they belong on the shelves.  I then grabbed a handful of books and put them back in there rightful places.  Afterwards we went around the library to see if all the books were the right way round because sometimes people put them the wrong way and it doesn't look very good and tidy.  Then we sat down at the counter to see if anyone needed help.  Someone came up to us because they wanted to get about out so I asked for there name, then I searched there name up on the library website I pushed on there name, scanned the book onto their account and then it was done.  Then a teacher came in because she wanted to return the audio box, I have to say though it was exciting because I hadn't really done this sort of thing before.  I went onto returns and scanned the box and it was done.  We then went around the library and said to people that the library was closing.  Everyone was out and it was time for us to go outside until the bell rang.


Get involved 

On Thursday I got involved by joining a PALS activity with my friends.  The activity we did was skipping, I thought it would be good activity to be in since I haven't been skipping for along time. 
Below is what I did,

I basically did long ropes the whole time but we did different things, first we had turns running in and out of the skipping rope.  After that we did a competition on who could skip for the longest when the skipping rope was going fast or medium or really really slow.  Then we all started in of the skipping rope and saw who would stay in the longest we did that heaps of times.  Samantha Laing won the first time we did it, Samara won the second and Brayden won the third.  The fourth one we did I won it and the last time we didn't have a winner because the last two people who were still in they both got out at the same time so we all agreed the no one was the winner but after that we knew that the bell would ring soon so they started to pack up.

Ring Ring the school bell rang 
After the bell rang everyone was nearly at class but I thought I should give them a hand so I did.  I collected all the orange ropes and hung them on the hook, when I finished that I went back outside if they needed more help but they didn't so went back to class.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Koru Games reflection for 2015

Over the last three days, I really enjoyed playing lots of different teams because it was really fun and all of the schools we played were very fair and nice schools.
Thinking back to the beginning of this year, I have really improved on getting into space and also driving foward to get the ball because the training's we did really helped me do those things.
Overall I found that the Koru Games is a great tournament to be apart of because it is really fun and it is well organised.

Sunday, 6 September 2015



At choir we started to practice for the music festival because we are going to be practicing on Monday the 7th of September from 9:15 to 12:30 so we were getting more time to practice.

We firstly practiced a lot of time doing the song called the ring of fire, we did the for a long time because Miss Harris wanted us to practice D for a little while because we needed to work on it a bit more since we don't have a lot of time and we needed to get it right because it is a hard song and we were going to be performing with hundreds of schools and thousands of people so we need to get it right because then it will sound a bit bad if we are not in time.  Then we quickly did the roll, then it was about time to go but we got a new sheet of paper and that is a new song.  We are learning a song that we saw a group sing on YouTube and Mr Mccullam showed us the video and then we thought it was cool so we are going to be singing it.  Then the years 5 and 6's left first because the have te reo the the reat of the choir left.



At Kapahaka we had a little time to practice our poi without any adults helping us we basically had free time for a little while but we were practicing poi.  Then Nate (who tells us the commands) said a commands and we followed it.

We were in our places, ready to go and then we started to sing a song,
The song was: Our school song.  We practiced that song for a bit because Mr Brown and Matua and also Mrs Baker wanted us to pick up the volume because we had our actions polished and good but our volume was quiet so they wanted our volume to rise.  So we had a battle firstly we did years 4 and 5's vs years 6,7 and 8 girls and also the year 7/8 boys.  Then for our second battle we did years 4,5 and 6's vs the year 7/8 girls and boys.  For the second battle the year 4,5 and 6's started off strong then the year 7/8 came back in the middle but it was the same at the finish so we don't really know who won so we just got told to do that in the song when we are doing it as a whole group.  Then we tried it as a whole group and we were very loud and that was good.  Then we finished off by doing Tahuruhuru.

We did Tahuruhuru and that involves the poi and I thought we did well but the teachers said that the year 7's have got it but some of the year 6's don't and some do but the year 4 and 5's so we need to practice.  After we finished Matua brought some lollipops to share with the group and after we got lollipops I went straight to peer mediation.

Saturday, 5 September 2015


Peer mediation

Every Friday at morning tea it is my turn to do peer mediation as I am a year 7/8.  I do peer mediation with Reuben and Riley and of course myself.  Since there is only one group doing peer mediation at morning tea that one group just walks around the school to help people solve there problems and we need to sort them out if they can't do it themselves.

I went to peer mediation at 11:10 ready to sort out any problems.  We started off by walking around the court area to see any problems and there wasn't.  We then went to the Kakano side of the field and one boy came up to us and said someone pushed him over while he was playing soccer and he said that he was telling him what to do.  We got the other boy who was involved and he said he didn't do it, the other boy said he did but then they both said sorry and they started to play soccer nicely together.  When that was finished we went to the Kauri teams side of the field to see if there were any problems and there wasn't any problems.  "Ring ring" the bell rings and we head back to class, we put our high vis jackets, necklaces and IPad away where it belonged.

Friday, 4 September 2015


Kauri team event

I am organising the Kauri got talent for 2015, one of my jobs is to judge the auditions (which I have written down below). I also have the opportunity to be at the front of the stage which is introducing the acts to the stage.

Today and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I was a judge for the kauri got talent auditions because I am an organiser for this event.  At 12:40 each day I went to the music room to set up for the auditions so we can start straight away and not waste any time setting up since there were at least 9 acts in each audition and we needed to get through all of them in 45 minutes.  We didn't muck around at all when all the acts were in the music room we started straight away.  The first act went in the middle of the music room (since that is where they perform).  When they were finished we would give them a score out of ten and when all the acts had been completed we would see the top scores eg if Anna got 5/10 and Wendy got 9/10 that means Wendy would go through to the semi finals on Friday next week.  When we had at least one act to go through to the semi finalwe could go back to class so that we could go back to class.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Sam W's Writing

SOLO level: I think I am at Extended abstract because I can use punctuation in my writing eg comma's,  apostrophes.

My next step is to sit down with a teacher and discuss a new reading goal for me.

Sam W's Reading Prove it

My solo level:  I think I am at Relational because I can apply some criteria to evaluate texts eg technical language, objective language and structure and more.

My next step is to sit down with a teacher and discuss a new goal for me.

Coordinate graphs

My solo level I think I am at is extended abstract because I can specify location using bearing or grid reference.

My next step is to sit with a teacher and sort out a goal.

Sunday, 30 August 2015



At choir we were practicing for the music festival as this event is coming up soon.  We started practicing a song from the music festival book.

The song was - The long white sails, this song is about people leaving on a boat and they are traveling to the other side of the world and their family and friends are saying good bye since they are staying there.  Miss Harris ( our music teacher ) gave us tips on how to sing that song since the song is really high with some long notes.  Our second song was called May there always be sunshine, we practiced that song for a while and Miss Harris gave us another example on how to do different things.  When we finished doing that we had just enough time to quickly do the roll after we did the roll, after 2 or 3 minutes the years 5 and 6's went back to class then the years 4,7 and 8's went back to class ready for our next lesson.



At Kapahaka we went straight to practicing there was NO mucking around.  We first started to practice  our school song and the actions the first time we went through our school song and actions, I think we went well but some people kept looking around for actions because they didn't know them well enough.  We went through the same song again because Matua wanted us to have fun while doing the actions because you can have fun with the actions we are doing.

After we finished practicing our school song we started to practice poi.  We ran through the song once to see how we were going, I thought as a group we did alright the Year 7/8's has got the poi actions it is just the Years 4,5 and some of the Year 6's.  I think I did well, I know all the actions with the poi and I haven't mucked up since I have learnt the actions.  We have also got actions for the full song we are doing poi too.  I like going to Kapahaka each week because we are learning different things each week so it is exciting.

Friday, 28 August 2015


Peer mediation

Today after Kapahaka I went straight to peer mediation.  We started just outside room 24 and made our way to the kauri teams side of the field, we first went near the senior playground to see if there were any problems.  Then we went past the cricket pitch to the Kakano side of the field, after we roamed around the Kakano side of the field for a few minutes there was a little problem.  The problem was with a few boys from the Kakano team were playing with sticks and someone got a little hurt.  We thought of a solution straight away because it was pretty easy to solve this problem our solution was to NOT PLAY WITH STICKS.  That solution was a good one because after we told them the solution they started to play nicely together again.  There was some time left so we went to the courts to see if there were any problems, there was no problems when we went to the cours so that was good.  Then the bell rang and it was time to put our high vis jackets, iPad and necklaces away.  When we had finished doing that I went straight to class so we could do what was on our schedule for after morning tea and also ready to learn.

Sam W's Speech

This is my speech, Is it ever Okay to lie.
The techniques I used was to SLOW DOWN, Body language and eye contact, volume of my voice so you could catch people's attention.
My next step is to:  Work on my body language so I don't move around when I am speaking.

Monday, 24 August 2015


Being a role model to younger students in the Kakano team

Today at the full school assembly I was being a role model to the younger students in the Kakano team.  I was being a role model by walking ino the hall respectfully, and looking at the person talking.  I was also not fiddling with anything or swinging my legs everywhere while someone was talking.  I was also showing respect during the house points update by communicating respectfully, clapping after each place had been announced and I was not booing any house colour.  Another thing I was doing was clapping after someone had got an award or after someone spoke ( when it was necessary to clap after someone spoke )   I also got a pozi from a teacher that thought I showed the CARE values and the care values stand for: C: stands for community, A: stands for active thinking, R: stands for respect and E: stands for excellence.  When the assembly was finished I was being a role model for the younger students in the Kakano team by walking back respectfully so the person next to me could only hear me and no one  else.

Sunday, 23 August 2015



As I am a year 7/8, I have the opportunity to be a librarian.  Every second Monday I go to library to do my duty, I do librarian with Lauren H and Samara. 

When the bell rang to go out for lunch Samara and I went straight to librarian.  We first put returned books back to the shelfs where they belong.  Then we checked that all the books were the right way so we couldn't see the pages.  Then we waited at the desk for people to have some books for us to renew, return, return or request books.  A while after we were finished with doing that, it was time to pack up so  Samara and I went around the library to say to people that it was time to pack up because the library was closing.  We then waited in the library for the bell to ring.  When the bell had rung  Samara and I went to room 24 straight away and ready to learn.

Friday, 14 August 2015



Yesterday at choir, I turned up really early ready to start practicing.  First up we did our usual warm up, then we practiced for the Ring of Fire because we are performing in the ring of fire.  We practiced quite a few songs we went over songs we have already sang, and practiced songs we had not yet done already.  The first song was a song we have already done, but the next song wasn't a song we have already practiced so that meant before we started to practice we heard a version of it so we could get an idea of how it is sounded.  After we had a run through of the songs we practice another song we have not sang before so we heard another version of it.  The next song was a song we have practiced before so we had an idea of how it sounded.  After we ran through several songs it was nearly time for years 5/6 to go to Maori with Matua and for years 7/8 it was time for 'My discovery' so to finish off we ran through half a song and  finished choir for the day.


Kapa Haka

Today at Kapa Haka we firstly practiced our school waiata and the actions to the song.  Then we all practiced as a group tahurihuri ana which is the song we are going to be using poi in.  We all practiced that song and years 4-7 were practicing short poi  and the year 8's were practicing there long poi.  The first time we practiced we only forgot one move in the poi the was fairly new to us.  Then we all learnt that move we forgot and we tried doing the routine again and I kinda got the routine sorted but I was still struggling with the newest move.  Finally I got the hang of it and Matua showed us some more moves but they were easier to get the hang of.  Then for the last time we practiced the full routine and I thought I did really well doing the routine.  When I fully got the hang of it I kept going on and on because after I had got the hang of it was more fun to do it and more interesting.


Peer mediation

Today at peer mediation Reuben, Riley and I started to walk around the field and straight away there was a problem.  It was about soccer and team captains for each team, there was one boy who got selected for a team captain but another boy wanted to be the captain for the team so he pushed the other boy over.  After that the boy who was selected for team captain he pushed the other boy over who pushed him and it went on and on intill one boy saw us wondering around the field and then he came running to us for help.  We asked for them all to listen to the rules, tell us there names and room numbers so we can fill out the peer mediation form.  When we were finished with that part of solving the problem we got everyone's side of the story, when that was finished we came up with a solution that was name everyone with the number one or two and those will be the teams, team one vs team two.  That solution worked and the all played nicely together.  That wasn't all just before the bell rang one boy got pushed by another boy and the boy that got pushed over was crying but the bell rang so we said to Mr Sy what happened and sorted it out.  We put the iPad back and sent an email to there teachers so they know what happened and we also put the peer mediation vests back.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015



Today everyone needed to be at school at 8.30am because it was technology.  We all lined up in either bus 1 or bus 2.  On the bus ride I was respecting the bus driver by sitting quietly and talking to the person next to me so only they could hear me.  When it was time to get of the bus I thanked the bus driver for driving us to Lincoln for technology.  When it was time to go back to school, I was waiting in line quietly as we were waiting to get on the bus.  When we were allowed to get on the bus, I got on the bus quietly.  On the way back to school I was doing the same thing I did on the way to Lincoln that was sitting quietly so only the person next to me could hear me and thanked the bus driver for driving us back to school.  After I got off the bus I was talking to the person next to me so only they could hear me and not anyone else could hear me, but we all got in the hall because it was loud walking back to class.

Monday, 3 August 2015



Today I turned up to librarian as it is my duty every second Monday.   First Samara and I started to return books to the shelfs.  After that there was nothing else to do so we just sat at the desk and renewed, returned and issued books for people.  After that it was about time to close the library so we went round and asked people to start to pack up because the library is closing.   The library was empty so it was time to leave.

Careers board (Sports coach)

This is our career board (sports coach)

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Vocabulary - My Wonder story

W.A.L.T- To use Vocabulary in my writing.
Solo level- I think I am at Relational because I have used lots of vocabulary in my writing.
My Next step - To have a conference with a teacher to set a new goal.
My Wonder story

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Our Mihi in Afrikaans

W.A.L.T- To learn my mihi in Afrikaans
Solo level- I think I am at Relational because I can pronounce my Mihi and read it of my book.
My next step is to learn my Mihi of by heart.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015


Being a role model for the students in the Kakano team

On Monday it was the full school assembly and I was a role model for the younger students beta cause I was entering the hall quietly and sitting quietly while waiting for the assembly to start.  During the assembly I was being a role model by sitting up straight and also clapping at the right time and stopping at the right time.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Samantha W's multiplicative strategies

SOLO level: I think I am at multistructural because sometimes I get the answer right but then sometimes I get the answer wrong.
I have got the answer wrong in the video the correct answer is 4 remainder 4.

My next step is to sit a Geometry test.

Friday, 24 July 2015


Kauri team event

Today at morning tea Mr Mcullam, Meadow and I organised the Kauri Got talent show .  We organised who will have the job to collect money, hold the doors open and other jobs.  We were also working out if we were  going to have spot prizes, where everyone will be sitting and when the Kakano team will come to the hall to pay there money and when the Kauri team will come and pay there money.



Today at choir we did a different warm up than usual, after our warm up we were also practicing for the year 7/8 open night.  We also practiced some songs from the book called ring of fire.  It was
- Mexican wave 
We also practiced Haleiluyah and our teacher said that it was very good because it would give the audience goosebumps. 



Today at Kapahaka the years 4 and 5 had a short practice, but the years 6, 7 and 8 were practicing for the 7/8 open night.  We ran threw the songs we are going to be singing, these are the songs we are going to be singing.
-He Honore
-Whakataka Te Hau
-The Haka (not singing it is actions)
- Pai Mai
After that we got our uniforms we are going to be performing in.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Reflection on my goals

WALT- To achieve our goals
One of my goals was to earn my distinction badge, I think I am doing well because I have already earned my merit badge and I am close to earning my excellence badge.
Another one of my goals was to be a great leader, I think I am doing well because when there is an assembly, I am setting an example for the younger students by sitting straight, looking at the front and not talking to the person next to me.  I am also setting an example at play times.
Another one of my goals was improving in all learning areas, I think I am doing well because I have learnt lots of different things about writing,  reading and maths and I know a lot more things then I did before.

Monday, 20 July 2015


Today at librarian it was Samara, Lauren H,Cody and I to do our duty as a librarian.  Firstly we returned some books to the shelfs.  Then we went to the computer and returned some books that people have just read.  After that we waited for people to issue some books, return or renew books.  A few minutes after that we needed to tell people to start packing up as we were closing.

Friday, 3 July 2015



Today at choir we were just running through the songs we were going to be singing in the celebration of learning assembly.  Then we all had a good look where our spot was for the afternoon and then we ran through Money, Money, Money like we would sing it and then we ran through Halieluyah also like we would sing it in the afternoon.

How the celebration of learning assembly went

I think it went really well because we were loud and people in the audience said that it was beautiful and made you get goosebumps and as group it sounded really good I thought.  



Today at Kapahaka we were just running through our performance for the celebration of learning assembly.  We all had a good look at where our spot is for the afternoon and then we just ran through He Honore and Whakataka Te Hau so we were ready for the afternoon.

How the performance went in the celebration of learning assembly

I think we did really well because we were loud and clear and as a group we sounded amazing I thought.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Writing prove it

My goal in term 2 was Structure and Language.

The solo level I think I am at is Relational because I have done paragraphs at the right time, I also linked my paragraphs and done Narrative structure.  I have passed my goal.

The big adventure:

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


Get involved 

Today I got involved by playing bounce with Samara, Meadow and Skyla.  Bounce is a ball game and I got involved because I was playing a fun, energetic game instead of walking around the school and talking and also doing nothing.  We kept playing that game for the rest of morning tea and lunch, for me I think that game never gets boring because I like shooting and it is practice for me as I am a shooter for club and for winter sport and koru games.



When I turned up to librarian at 12.50, Samara and I returned a few books to the shelfs.  Then we made sure that all the books were the right way.  We then issued a few books out for some people and renewed some books and  returned some books.  After that we processed peoples request and there were a lot of them!  By the time that was done, we needed to start packing up as the library was closing.

Reading prove it

WALT- Analyse similarity/ difference of language/ discourse within/ between texts.
I think I am at extended abstract because  I can explain what would happen if this feature was missing I also can explain what the purpose of the feature is.
This is my matrix:
 This is a sheet we completed:

Samantha W Weather forecast

Friday, 26 June 2015



Today at choir we were practicing for the celebration of learning assembly, but before that we did our usual warm up.  Then we started to practice for the celebration of learning assembly, we are going to be singing two songs.
1. Haleiluyah 
2. Money, Money, Money
We were practicing them because we needed to practice our volume as a group so we are ready for our celebration of learning assembly.



Today at Kapahaka we were mainly practiced for the celebration assembly because we are performing in the celebration of learning assembly.
We are going to be performing three songs.
1. He Honore 
2. Whakataka Te Hau
3. Pai Mai
We practiced the songs like it was the real performance so we could practice our discipline, also our volume.  We sounded really good when we were practicing because our volume was loud and I thought that everyone in the audience loud and clear.

Thursday, 25 June 2015


On Tuesday the year 7's and 8's went to Lincoln to do technology.
I showed respect by ......

- Talking to the person next to me quietly because I was talking quietly to the person next to me and  not yelling across the bus to another person.
- Listening to my technology teacher because when she was talking I was listening and did the same
  for everyone else.

Friday, 19 June 2015



Today at choir we started off with our usual warm up to warm up our voice for the rest of choir practice, then we practiced for the ring of fire we practiced a couple of songs from the ring of fire.  After we practiced for the ring of fire we sang Money, Money, Money twice with drums.  After we sang Money, Money, Money we finished off with guitars for Haleiluyah. 



Today at Kapahaka we sang some songs to warm up our voice, then we practiced for the end of term celebration assembly because we are performing.  We are going to be singing three songs He Honore, Whakataka te hau and Pai mai.  I was being respectful at Kapahaka because I was listening and I was trying my best.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Helping around the school

Today we had sausage sizzle and I helped out by helping pack up.  I packed up tables, containers, sausage sizzle stuff and a bit more.  Think it filled the people in the PTA buckets because it takes probably a much longer time than it did today because there were more people giving a hand.

Monday, 15 June 2015


Today I went to the library to do my dutie as a librarian.  Firstly I checked all the books were in the right section of the library.  Then I sat at the desk and Returned some books and also issued some books.  After a wee while it was time to pack up because the library was closing.  However we had a last minute issue, which was someone wanted to borrow a book.  After that we went around the library and asked people to start pack up because the library was closing.

Friday, 12 June 2015


First up with choir today we did the roll as usual with our warm up.  Then we practiced for the ring of fíre, the songs are called Mexican wave and Calafornia dreamin we finished learning the song called Mexican wave.  We finished choir with singing Haleluyah once.


Today we did Kapahaka, first we did our usual warm up.  Then we focused on Whakataka te hau again for every one to learn the words off by heart, to help us with that we tried singing Whakataka te hau with our eyes closed.  I think we improved a lot because we have not mucked up as much sentences and we are also powerful as a group.

Saturday, 6 June 2015


At Choir we did our warm up then we did the roll, we also practiced Money, Money, Money and Haleiluyah a couple of times. Then we went into Poi E for the music festival and a new song from the music festival called Mexican Wave.  I think the choir group is getting better and better each week.


At Kapahaka we were practicing the end of Whakataka te hau because it is new to us and we were struggling.  Also we sang two other song including the first half of Whakataka te hau, the other songs were Pai mai and He Honere.

Thursday, 28 May 2015


Get a distinction badge: I think I am achieving that goal because I am so close to getting my merit badge.

Be a great leader: I also think I am achieving that goal because I am reminding younger students to do the right thing like don't go out a bounds.

Improve in all learning areas: I think I am achieving that goal because I have improved in maths because I have learnt about Negative numbers and also I have learnt how use multiplication strategies, I have improved in writing because I can now write an explanation my chosen career, I have also improved in reading because I can now identify the Authors purpose.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

1 paragraph from my explanation

My career goal is to be a sports coach.  There are so many reasons why I want to do this job, such as a passion for sport and help people develop skills, learn rules of tactics of a sport.  Therefore I think being a sports coach is a good career path for me.  If I become a sports coach, I will be helping athletes improve in either Touch, Netball or Tennis, I will also be deciding when to have trainings.  the job avalibility is not good but you never know.  This job is around $25 - $30 an hour, also at high school I will develop skills to become a sports coach.


Thursday, 21 May 2015


Today at garden to table, I was being a role model to the year ones because when Miss Wood was explaining the instructions , I was listening so the younger students would listen too.  It worked and because they were listening it meant that they would know what to do and there would be more time to make the goodies.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


Today at technology, I showed respect to the bus driver by talking to the person next to me quietly.  I also showed respect to my teacher at technology by listening to him when he was talking.

Friday, 15 May 2015


W.A.L.T: I can identify a technique of making a chocolate bouquet, for my discovery project.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015


Today on the bus,I was showing respect to the bus driver because I was talking to the person next to me quietly and also showing respect to my technology teacher by listening to him when he was talking.

Thursday, 7 May 2015


At PALS today my group and I, Ran the game Dodgeball for the Kauri team and I think it was a success because I think every one enjoyed the game and there were a lot of people who joined in and everyone played by the rules. We started the game quickly because we were organised and ready to start the game when there was anough people we explained the rules quickly and clearly and started the fun and challenging game and everyone had fun and tried there best.

Meadow And Sam Ws Te Reo Classroom Objects



The bright,beautiful sun shines down on us
As the grass was as green as a fresh lime
The happy flowers dance in the lovely breeze
I can see children playing happily in the warm sun
WOOO as the wind blows
As the tall trees with the lovely bright green leaves 

I used smilies because I haven't used smilies before and I thought it was about time to use that feature.
I used personification because I think it makes the poem more interesting.
I used alliteration because i think it makes the poem stand out.
I used onomatopoeia because I wanted to add some more out there words in my poem.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Merit Evidence

Merit Evidence must do: Getting involved
 I am getting involved by being apart of Kapa Haka,Choir,PALS,Peer Mediation and a lot more activities. I continue to demonstrate that I am responsible by turning up to my responsibilities on time and participating fully in all my activities 

Merit Evidence

Merit evidence must do: Kauri event
 Koru games practice 

On Wednesday we had Koru games practice, I am in the Netball team.
I showed Respect by listening to the team, when someone was talking on how we can improve. I also showed leadership by contributing ideas on how we can improve as a team and work together.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Peer Mediation

Peer Mediation Term 2 Week 1
I went to peer mediation and just before the bell rang a boy came up to me and my group and he was crying. We asked him what happened, he said that someone was being mean to him and his friends. We went over and had a chat to them and another boy was crying from the other group, before we could help them the bell rang and so we told to them to go and talk to their teacher about it and that they would help them.


Merit evidence can do:
At choir on Friday, I was ready to start. We always start with warm ups and then we get into singing songs. The songs we are singing are Money Money Money and Hallelujah.
I showed respect by listening when Miss Harris and Mr McCallum were talking. 
I like choir because we keep learning different things each week.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

My Goals For Term Two

My goal for term 2 is to remember all my responsibility's because in term 1, I forgot some of my duties sometimes and I would like to remember them so I can be a great leader.
This shows responsibility and leadership

Friday, 27 March 2015


Peer Mediation Week 8: Today at peer mediation this is the first time me and my group haven't had any problems to deal with, which is good because it meant that  everybody was playing well together, and we were not required to assist with any issues.


Get a distinction badge: I think I am achieving that goal because I have already done most of the things on the list to get a merit badge.

Be a great leader: I think I am achieving that goal because I am being a leader to younger students by reminding them to listen to the teachers when they are talking.

Improve in all learning areas: I think I am achieving that goal because I have improved in my maths by learning how to order decimals and decimal place values and I have improved in writing by learning how to write a description and I  have improved in reading by learning what an inference is.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Peer Mediation

Week 6 peer mediation: At peer mediation today my group and I had one problem at the last minute.
The problem was younger students were throwing bean bags at each other. Then we helped by asking for there names, explained the rules, listened to everyone's side of the story but then the bell rang we emailed one of there teachers because that is all we had time for and the teacher will sort it out properly. Then it will be sorted out.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

My Wonder Story

Okay it was the best part yet, I couldn't help it, I just have to yell it out, so I am going to because it was breath-taking so I yelled out " Best Part Yet" 
Next minute, I heard the door slam open, like a heard of elephants charging through.  I see huge, strong security guards at the door, I was wondering what they were doing.  But I found out what they were doing, they were taking me and my family out. 
The strongest security guard said to Mum and Via "are you two with this boy"
Mum said "Yes
But Via said "No"
"Via" said Mum in an angry voice
"Okay" Via sighed
He asked us to leave so we did.  We walked to the car, Via was glearing at me the whole way back.   I atmit it, I was kinda scared!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Goals for 2015

Get a distinction badge 
Be a great leader
Improve in all learning areas