Friday, 21 November 2014

Writing instructions for a game

WHAT- We have been writing a set of instructions for a game that would be suitable for fitness or lunchtime activities.  
SO WHAT- Key features in my game instructions:A diagram,subtitles and clear instructions

NOW WHAT- Mr Hillary said to put different words at the start of each sentence instead of the same word 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Friday, 7 November 2014

Tuesday, 4 November 2014


WHAT: We have just completed in the Kauri Athlectics.
SO WHAT: I was proud of Discus because I came second with 12m and Mya came first with 17m. I got the opportunity to go to south west Zones.
I was surprised in long distance because I am not a long distance person and I think I did really well
I was disappointed in sprints because Emma hill just bet me and I could've gone to the finals and I was disappointed
I enjoyed Long jump because it was really fun and even though I didn't come a place I still had fun.
NOW WHAT: Next time I am going to try my best in every thing and just not try my best on 1 thing.
Now I should start practicing the events when it is close to athletics.